Our Team
Jeff Lopo was born and raised in San Diego, and is blessed to be married to his best friend Kylene since 2011. They two children - Silas and Hosanna - who are adorable because they’re small and that’s how it works. Jeff received his Bachelor’s of Science in Pastoral Ministries from Nyack College in 2012. Since 2013, Jeff has served in pastoral ministry roles in the context of a local church. He was ordained with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in 2017. Jeff has a desire to see the body of Christ grow deep and wide in its knowledge of the Word and confidence in the power of Christ, “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). His vision is to see SBCA be a benefit and blessing to the community; so that, by using the gifts and resources God has given us, we may lead as many as possible to a saving faith that endures to the end.
Some of his hobbies include roasting and drinking plenty of coffee, reading, and enjoying time together with his wife, son, daughter, and their dog Coco.
Elizabeth Batchman was born and raised in Orange County, CA and moved to San Diego 26 years ago when her husband Chuck began work for Lamb’s Players Theater. Liz has a masters degree in education and a BA in Liberal Studies and Bible from Vanguard University. She has been serving in ministry for over 20 years in many capacities, but often in teaching and leadership. Liz was licensed and Consecrated with the Christian Missionary Alliance in November of 2016 and now serves as the Director of Discipleship. This position includes facilitating and writing curriculum for our Small Groups, heading up Women’s Ministries, teaching in our adult education classes, and running our Rite of Passage program for young adults. Liz believes that our connection and love for one another, through Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is our greatest witness of God’s tremendous love for the world, (John 17:20-24). She and her husband Chuck have had the privilege of raising four wonderful children who are each serving in some capacity of ministry. Plus, she has three grandbabies…(best part ever!)
Chuck graduated from Vanguard Christian University with a BA in Theater Communications. He moved to San Diego, along with his wife Elizabeth, over 30 years ago to be a part of the Lamb’s Players traveling theater and ministry troup. With a love and a talent to “make magic” he later became their technical director as well as becoming a teacher and tech director at Chula Vista High School’s School of Created and Performing arts.
Chuck gave his life to Jesus Christ at 15 and has joyfully shared his talents and giftings with the church ever since. In addition to making “magical” VBSes, youth sailing boats and outreach events, Chuck has served as mentor, deacon, elder and is currently on the Advisory Board for our new church plant.
He and his wife have raised 4 adult children who have now blessed him with 3 wonderful grandchildren. Chuck enjoys family time, model railroading, raising puppies, travel, adventures and making magic with his beautiful grandbabies.
Kylene has lived in Chula Vista most of her life. She is married to Jeff (2011) and they have two children, Silas (2019) and Hosanna (2023). She earned a Masters of Arts in Biblical Literature (Old Testament emphasis) from Alliance Theological Seminary in 2012. She became a licensed worker with the Christian & Missionary Alliance in 2017, and became a Consecrated Woman in Ministry with the Alliance in 2020. Kylene works full-time as a BI Reports Developer. Kylene has a passion for prayer, studying the Bible in its historical context, and encouraging others to love God with their minds through the faithful study of His Word. “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Rom. 15:4. Some of her hobbies include reading about biblical archaeology, pining to go rock climbing, eating good food, taking power naps, and spending time with Jeff, Silas, and Hosanna.
Dave was born in Bethlehem, PA and raised in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New York. In 1980 he married Jan, a native Minnesotan. God has blessed them with four wonderful children and one grandchild.
Dave received master’s degrees from Bethel Seminary in Saint Paul, MN (theology) and Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, TX (music). He has served as a pastor for more than 45 years in 7 different churches in Minnesota, Texas, Ohio, and California. South Bay Christian Alliance is now his 8th place of ministry and he is excited to see what God is doing here in the local context of Chula Vista.
Dave has a wide variety of interests, from technology and music to traveling and exploring new places. He enjoys experiencing the magnificent creation of God wherever he is. Romans 12:1-2 describes the life that Dave desires to live - one that is a total sacrifice to God. His heart’s desire is that all that he does if for the “glory of God alone” (Soli Deo gloria).