The Prayers Of Faith Will Restore
We sat on cold metal chairs in a white room, leaning against a cold metal examining table...waiting. Our beautiful dog Sabrina had been hurried to the back of the emergency clinic without us. She was in danger and distress.
To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done
It’s been a minute.
I love that phrase. I probably overuse it. And my repetitious use of it probably annoys those in my listening (or instant messaging) range.
Jump, Grasshopper, Jump
As I sat in the stuffy auditorium on a warm June evening, my mind raced. I had tuned out the energetic preacher on the stage who was delivering this Baccalaureate speech two days before my graduation from Ursinus College.
Not Beet-ing Down Doors
Why did the tomato blush? He saw the salad dressing! Thank you for laughing. I appreciate it.
Imitating Daddy
My grandson, Silas, loves playing in the dirt. At two-years old, his passion for digging in the yard with toy bulldozers, backhoes and dump trunks is astounding.
When You Gotta Go
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Our friends returned to the mission field last week. They had to go.
Embrace The Unexpected
The incessant meowing grew louder by the minute, accompanied by a repetitive scratch-scratch-scratch at the bedroom door. “Ugh,” I snapped, “stop it, you silly cat!”
Faith In Fiction | On Team Grace
Being an avid baseball fan, one of my bucket list items, silly as it may sound, was to attend an opening day game.
Out Of Order
Months ago, we taught Silas how to count to twenty. Recently, he has been skipping six. Poor six.
Faith In Fiction | The Sun Kissed Sky
As the Santa Ana breeze whips against my back and the golden warmth of the mid-day San Diego sun kisses my shoulders, I stand in awe of the Creator as I look upon the majesty of the vivid teal expanse staring back at me and my grandson.
Out Of The Desert
I’m a huge fan of Os Guinness (and his ministry The Trinity Forum.) If you haven’t heard of him, go look him up on your favorite podcast app or on YouTube because he is a gazillion times more articulate than I am.
Faith In Fiction | Culture Crash
“Anong balita,” my husband, Miko, utters, answering the phone with his traditional Filipino greeting. Hanging up after a few minutes of chatter in his native Tagalog, a language I don’t understand, he excitedly announces, “I’m going to be a sponsor at Tony’s wedding.”
Back But Changed
In the past ten months, I have had to hold fast to Hebrews 13:1-2a, “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers.”
Hospitality to strangers is easy to neglect.
Faith In Fiction | What A Catchphrase
It seems everything these days is reported or gauged as pre-COVID or post-COVID. For all of us who weathered the worst of the pandemic, the question that taunts us is if life will ever return to the “normal” that we once knew.
Faith In Fiction | A Perfectly Imperfect Graduation
Waking up this crisp Pennsylvania June morning, my heart fills with anxious anticipation. I gaze across the room, admiring my perfectly pressed sky blue high school graduation gown.
When Life Is Rough - Part 3
“When the burden is too much for you to bear, you do not need stronger shoulders, you need weaker knees.”
Dr. Mitch Kim
Faith In Fiction | Hidden Treasure
As evening approaches, I gently lay my sleeping 4-week old daughter into a basket beside my chair. Taking a deep breath, my mind fills with sweet memories from a year ago.
When Life Is Rough - Part 2
What do you do when life is rough? If you’re a follower of Christ, what do you do when your pursuit of Christian maturity keeps calling you onward and upward, to terrain that is steeper and more challenging?