A Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, Birthday, & Anniversary Weekend


Which of the four did I pay attention to (or do I plan to pay attention to) this weekend: the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, my mom’s birthday, or an anniversary? (Note, Monday is my day off, so I consider it my weekend.)

If you guessed the Super Bowl, you would be wrong. I haven’t watched an entire Super Bowl in my life. My parents “made” me watch part of it growing up (if I wanted to eat the Doritos and cheese dip.) They wanted me to enjoy the commercials, and I think they were hoping I’d learn to like the game. It never worked. I figured the good commercials would replay after the game was over, so I’d just wait. It wasn’t worth sitting through the slooooow game where it takes 30 minutes to move 10 yards. 

If you guessed Valentine’s Day, you would also be wrong. I have a dentist appointment later today. And then we’re checking out a preschool for Silas. That is the extent of our plans. I enjoyed the holiday as a kid, picking out the valentines with a cartoon to address to my classmates, making sure the mushy ones didn’t go to the boys. My mom always gave me a small box of See’s chocolates too - at breakfast no less - and who wouldn’t love that? 

I’ve never been the romantic type though. I told Jeff as much our first year dating. He believed me until the day of, when he decided he wanted to do something special even if it was last minute. So we went to Fuddrucker’s with his coin jar and bought hamburgers. Then we used a Hershey’s Kiss (brand and shape!) fondue pot from a white elephant gift exchange and attempted to eat pineapple dipped in chocolate. That was our fanciest Valentine’s Day that I can recall. (I did make someone cry Valentine’s Day 2019, but that’s another story for another day.)

If you guessed my mom’s birthday, you’d be right. Do I get good daughter points for that? Just kidding. Happy Birthday mom! I love you and I love eating Hans and Harry’s chocolate cake to show you my love. 

And if you guessed an anniversary, you’d be right. Just like I loved remembering the debut of Cat Lawyer from February 2021, I also love remembering Valentine’s Day 2021. It was the best Valentine’s Day because it was a baptism Sunday. We went to church, then we went to the bay where there’s a little beach and witnessed a public proclamation of a life changed by Jesus. 


You are what you celebrate. And I love celebrating baptisms. Oh, and that girl in the photo, she’s now our housemate. It’s been amazing to see her be transformed by the love of Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. 

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8

The older I get, the more I appreciate that there’s no marriage in the resurrection. Don’t get me wrong, I love the institution of marriage, and I love Jeff a lot a lot. He’s my bestie. But at the end of this age, I get Jesus unveiled. Tides may change, nations may change, seasons may change, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is my forever valentine. That’s worth celebrating everyday.

Kylene Lopo

Kylene Lopo is a pastor’s wife, a BI Reports Developer, and is the mother of Silas (age 4) and Hosanna (age 0.) She has a masters in Biblical Literature from Alliance Theological Seminary and is an official worker with the C&MA in the South Pacific District.


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