A Supernatural Book, Life, & Work


Pre-blog disclaimer: I am part of a continuationist, Bible believing denomination that focuses on world missions, including areas not heavily influenced by Western philosophy.


During a short vacation to the mountains last summer, I had the time to read a few books, including the book Binding & Loosing: Exercising Authority over the Dark Powers. It is co-authored by two C&MA pastor theologians, Dr. K. Neill Foster and Dr. Paul L. King.[1] I do my best to approach books and teachings on the matter of miracles, deliverance, and spiritual authority with a due amount of caution. Paul warned against counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9.)

Dr. Foster and Dr. King took an exegetical approach to the biblical texts - analyzing the Greek and what the texts meant in their historical context - before sharing testimonies. (Even with an exegetical approach, I recommend reading widely and weighing what you read.)


They spent a few chapters explaining the Jewish concept, how the early church fathers viewed the concept, and how the reformers treated the concept. They also took the time to explain the symbolism of binding and loosing. The testimonies that they shared were about pushing back the darkness to exalt Christ, not about miracles for wealth or vanity. The testimonies were also kept short, which I appreciated since these types of testimonies can easily be over sensationalized. 

I had a lot to think and pray about after reading the book.

Fast forward to the fall. We noticed a house near the church had put up a giant banner saying ‘PSYCHIC’ and a phone number to call. Uggh. It was highly visible, right at the freeway entrance/exit. We started praying for its closure at our weekly church prayer meeting. We put what we learned from Binding & Loosing into practice, trusting that what has been bound in heaven will be bound on earth. 

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

Matthew 16:19

At Christmas, we noticed Christmas decorations at the house, which was odd to see under the giant ‘PSYCHIC’ banner. I guess that’s syncretism (or commercialism) for you.

After the new year, we noticed that the banner was gone! Praise God! Jeff went to the house on January 11, with a Bible in hand, to hear what happened. He prayed mightily on his way over and was preparing for a confrontation with someone demon possessed or oppressed. Instead, he noticed an eviction notice posted on the door.[2] He knocked on the door but no one answered.

Jeff was a little disappointed. But reflecting on the anti-climatic moment, Jeff gave glory to God. He realized he probably would have boasted in some way if there had been a battle. The absence of a confrontation was a reality check that this wasn’t about him. It was about God showing His power. (You can hear him tell this story in a recent sermon on Acts 1:12-26.)

We’re now praying that the marijuana store across the street from the church will close.[3] We’re not going out of our way to go demon-hunting. Rather, we’re praying for our immediate community as the Spirit leads. We’re praying for our community to be revived, to be awakened to the majesty of Christ, for there to be a deep hunger for God in our midst, and for God’s goodness to be made known. 

I love what AB Simpson once wrote, 

“Just as God called Elijah to stand for a living God, so God is calling His children today to stand for a living God, a living Christ and a supernatural faith. We stand for a supernatural book, for a supernatural life and for a supernatural work, dependent entirely upon the master and the power of the Spirit.”[4]


  1. If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Paul King, here is an example of his teaching. https://youtu.be/hnZDZKZTp8Y . If you’re not, that’s cool too. 

  2. When Jeff told me about the eviction notice, I quipped, “I wonder if they saw that coming.”

  3. At last night’s prayer meeting, Jeff prayed that this nicely renovated building would be used as a church rather than a marijuana store. I quipped, “of course, the perfect name for the church would be, ‘Every Joint Supplies.’”
    Ephesians 4:15-16, “but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, that is, Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.”

  4. Thompson, Albert Edward. The Life of A.B. Simpson. Christian Alliance Publishing Company, 1920, p220.

Kylene Lopo

Kylene Lopo is a pastor’s wife, a BI Reports Developer, and is the mother of Silas (age 4) and Hosanna (age 0.) She has a masters in Biblical Literature from Alliance Theological Seminary and is an official worker with the C&MA in the South Pacific District.


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